Summary Background




The inter-regional highway system is inadequate for many businesses that may otherwise relocate to the area. Widening, bridge replacement, ferry upgrades, and new construction are necessary to allow business to efficiently import resources and export goods.  Furthermore, the current system creates long commute times, placing additional burdens on working families.  On December 14, 2015, the US 17 corridor was officially designated as a future interstate with the passage of the Fixing America’s Surface Transportation Act (FAST Act) and in May of 2016, the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) approved the designation of Interstate 87 (I-87) for the corridor.

Default Single Topic Component Pack: Transportation Commute: Commute Time to Work – Chart: Percent, 2015 – 2019 with all available pulldowns. 


Water capacity and water quality concerns are paramount in the region. There are nine county-wide, one regional, and several municipal water systems in the region.  Due to a decrease in available ground water, several local governments in the region are engaging in prolonged and expensive reverse osmosis projects.

Over the last generation, the Hudson Valley has become a nexus where the economic, social, and cultural forces of a major global capital, New York City, meet and intermingle with the dynamics associated with the Valley’s small cities, towns and rural areas—vibrant legacies in agriculture and food, industrial innovation (stretching back to the D&H Canal and the invention of the steamboat), the arts and outdoor recreation.


The capacity for wastewater treatment plants and septic systems continue to hinder develop growth in the Region.  Because of the high-water table as well as the distance between residences and businesses, the expense as well as the environmental factors within the Region impose difficulties in the expansion of existing wastewater and septic systems. 


Infrastructure deficiencies include a lack of affordable highspeed internet access particularly with the termination of actual textbooks for school age children. The Albemarle Commission in partnership with the State of North Carolina’s Broadband Infrastructure Office has undertaken a broadband demand aggregation project to attract public private partnerships throughout the Region to expand and provide this essential service to the residents, businesses and visitors throughout the Region.

Default Single Topic Component Pack: Utilities, Broadband Technologies Table 2018 with all available pulldowns