Summary Background

Total Population
The Catawba Region

Male Population
The Catawba Region

Female Population
The Catawba Region

Median Age
The Catawba Region
The Catawba Region experienced dynamic population growth between 2010 and 2017. A trend that continues on the region’s 25.7% population increase between 2000 and 2010.
According to the U.S. Census Bureau, the population of the District increased from 365,901 persons in 2010 to 418,553 by 2017 representing a growth rate over the 7 year period of 14.4% with an annual rate of 2.12%, outpacing the United States average of 0.89% for the same period. It is important to note, however, that growth has not been uniform across the region. A majority of growth experienced has been in the suburban / urban areas of York County and in the panhandle of Lancaster County while growth in the rural areas of Chester and Union counties has remained relatively flat.
The annual growth rate for the region of 2.12% between 1998 and 2017 ranks in the top 5% among similar large economic regions around the country.
Population – benchmark; Catawba Regional COG only; Total Population; Value; All Periods; ACS 5-year data; Single Topic Component Pack with All Dropdowns
Domestic Migration for ages 25+; All Counties; All Categories; Value; 2019; ACS 5-year data; Single Topic Component Pack with All Dropdowns