Summary Background



Eastern North Carolina is blessed with four mild seasons. It is located about half way between New York and Florida. There are a number of rivers that flow through the region. There are several sounds in the coastal environment, of which Pamlico Sound is the largest. Coastal estuaries, rivers and creeks, along with the Atlantic Ocean, are sought after by tourists, developers and retirees. 

Working with both local and state regulatory bodies allows there to be constructive dialogue on a controversial subject that pits coastal developers and land owners against regulations that would limit growth and development in areas predicted to be affected.

Much of the Albemarle Commission’s region remains rural, providing ample space for farming, recreation and other forms of development.

Northeastern North Carolina is also home to the first wind farm in the Southeastern United States powered by Avangrid Renewables at Desert Wind.  The project contains 104 wind turbines and produces 208 megawatts (MW) of power for Amazon Web Services, Inc. (AWS)