Summary Background


Tourism is the life-blood of the counties that border the Atlantic Ocean and the area sounds. In partnership with U.S. Fish and Wildlife, National Park Service, as well as the Tourism Development Authorities of the Albemarle Commission’s 10 Counties and 4 neighboring Counties, the Commission is coordinating the balancing nature and commerce efforts to further enhance the development of tourism opportunities within the Region.   Within the Commission’s 10 County Region, in 2015 tourism has a $1,349 million impact for expenditures, a Regional payroll of $274 million, and employs more than 15,490 employees. Tourism from the Albemarle Commission’s Region generates more than $65 million in state tax receipts, and $61 million in local tax receipts saving local residents more than $4,522 per resident each year.

Default Single Topic Component Pack: Industries – CBP Industry Sectors: Employment – Benchmark

Item: 72 – Accommodation and Food Services

Category: Employment

2015-2019, with all available pulldowns.